
A great local store with a wide selection of games at competitive prices. Budget friendly games and excellent customer service is clearly a focus which clearly works, with large numbers returning customers. The community within the store is strong and results in amazing experiences with other people. All of this leads to a great independent business which I would highly recommend.
Fantastic local game store, very welcoming and happy to offer advice. They host a number of weekend events and weekly evening games groups which are always welcome to new players. Well worth checking out.
OG Games is a fantastic place to shop and to buy. You can get your preorders in for all of the big games and Ol is a wealth of knowledge about games old and new. The weekly games nights (once we can have them again!) are a great place to come and learn a new game with plenty of encouragement from staff and regulars. A real local, community focused shop.
Always a friendly atmosphere inside. Just ask Ol for anything in particular that you're looking for and the games nights during the week are a lot of fun and very welcoming.
Awesome place to get your games from (price, pre-orders) and to play them pre lockdown, during lockdown online with the community, and looking forward to post lockdown.
Thanks OG
What makes a great LGS?

Selling the stuff you want at reasonable prices - yep, but that is the easy part!

I'm a regular at OG events (in none COVID times!) - there has always been a really welcoming atmosphere for all. This has really shown during these testing times as the community has kept going with regular online get-togethers, paper magic played online, and sales been moved to home deliveries.

Community is what makes the difference between a great LGS and the rest, and OG has that in spades.
OG Games provides an excellent service due to competitive prices and genuinely personal customer service. I will definitely be buying products here for a long time to come.
I have ordered several items from OG Games and everything has been shipped as quickly as possible. The one time I almost had a problem due to an item being out of stock, they got in contact with me via email and offered me a better item at no extra cost. Now that is good service.
Pre-ordered the Wave 2 X-Wing minis and got them as soon as they came out - excellent price too! Cheers OG!

All I need to worry about now is crushing the Rebellion!
Cheap fast delivery and a system that shows what is actually in stock & what's not makes this my choice store for gaming products
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